By Brandice Wilson
10. Alcamy; Origin: American; Meaning: Alternate spelling of Alchemy; Guaranteed: Your kid will fail chemistry.
9. Cloud, Cricket, Denim… Please refrain from naming your child after the first random object that pops into your little brain.
8. Butch
7. Aim; Origin: American; Meaning: Direct toward target… or “My parents are social networking whores.”
6. Dude; Origin: American; Meaning: Man, Cowboy; Alternate spelling: Bro
5. Independence—Contrary to what you might believe, your child is not a boat.
4.Hummer and Humvee
3. Espn; Origin: American; Meaning: Television Sports Network; Guaranteed: Your kid will hate sports… and you.
2. Do not name your daughter Mary if your last name is Hary. Actually, have a heart and just don’t have kids; they are screwed.
1. Abcde; Origin: American; Meaning: First 5 letters of the alphabet; Don’t believe me?
And that’s just the first half of the alphabet.
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