The following parable demonstrates my feeble and naïve, but ultimately successful attempt to make it back home amidst the anxiety of being a relatively new driver. Human navigation has been touted as an intrinsic ability: we depend on internalized versions of ‘cognitive maps’ and ‘snapshots’, which capture diverse information about the environment around us and aid us in … [Read more...] about Psychological Phenomena: Human Spatial Representation: A Narrative on How My Misfortune Led Me Home
Archives for 2015
Trust Me, I’m Premed: Partners in Evolution
In a previous blog post, I discussed aspects of the human microbiome – primarily bacterial roles in our digestion and a few comments on interactions between bacteria and our immune system development. To build upon that, I would like to go further into details that indicate a coevolution between us and our bacterial friends. Studies indicate that disruption of the … [Read more...] about Trust Me, I’m Premed: Partners in Evolution
Invasion Upon Our Shores: Pegida’s Rise and Fall
In late January, Germany watched warily as the Pegida, otherwise known as the Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West, became a force to be reckoned with. Anti-immigration feelings had been rising through the end of 2014, but with the attacks of Charlie Hebdo, suspicion of immigrants rose to a fever pitch. Pegida rallies were held around Germany, with tens of … [Read more...] about Invasion Upon Our Shores: Pegida’s Rise and Fall
“Please Refrain from Talking During the Movie”
The increasing popularity of television is affecting the movie-going experience. The preference for television over film is understandable: Watching TV is easy, fast, and cheap. Online streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu provide instant access to our favorite shows and shows that we’re curious about. You can binge watch a show you like, and there’s no … [Read more...] about “Please Refrain from Talking During the Movie”
The infamous Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue comes out each year with much anticipation across the country. Some of the most beautiful women in the world dawning teeny bikinis in beautiful tropical locations that people can only dream of vacationing at makes for a hugely popular selling magazine issue. While scrolling down my Facebook feed I noticed a few different … [Read more...] about #EveryGirlEra