By: Eric Weintraub
We’ve all heard the stories: Zeke’s cheating on his girlfriend and Beverly left her husband for the pool guy and Tiffany’s boyfriend is only dating her to get to her sister. So after hearing about all the horrible things couples do to each other, you’d think you were crazy for trusting anyone you date in this world. But the thing is, even though relationships sometimes do end badly, it’s not reason enough to not try to make a healthy relationship work by having faith in the girl you’re dating and building a relationship on trust rather than deceit. If you want to have a healthy, positive relationship with someone, you need to make sure you work well understanding each other. You need to trust that the girl you’re with cares about you and isn’t going to drop you for the first hotter guy that comes along. Even though you can never be 100% positive a girlfriend will always be faithful, you need to form a strong trust with her that reflects how you would trust anyone else in your life. Think about it, you trust your parents not to drop you when you’re little and you trust your roommate not to kill you when you sleep, so why should trusting a girl to be faithful be any different?
To establish trust in a relationship you can’t be jealous or controlling. If she says she can’t see you tonight because she’s going clubbing with her girl friends, don’t automatically jump to the conclusion she’s going to get drunk and hook up with another guy. Just tell her to have a fun night and leave it at that. Chances are a girl will respect you a lot more when you give her space and will spend the night dancing with her friends, rather than some random guy. If you instead try to control a girl and refuse to let her go out with her friends, she’s more likely to be tempted to go against your wishes just to spite you. I’ve heard people say before that it’s okay to be a little jealous to show a girl you care about her. Not true. In fact, there are about a million better things you can say to a girl to show her you care before you say, “Who’s that guy you were talking to?” Try things like: “You complete me,” “Your kisses are like honey,” and “I love you Princess Buttercup.” Well, nothing that cheesy but you get the idea. To truly make a healthy relationship work, you have to respect yourself and your girlfriend – to the point that jealousy isn’t even an issue on the table. If you care about each other, you’ll find a way to make it work.
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