Located on Robertson in the Los Angeles/Beverly Hills line blur, Sweet E’s is a little difficult to find (it is tucked inbetween some shops — I walked past it the first time and had to backtrack). But once you get there, it is absolutely worth it (as long as you don’t get the cupcake with crispies). It is on the larger side of bakeshops – they have typical cupcakes, but then some out-there cupcakes as well (check out their website for a full list). In addition, they have cake pops, brownies, and doggie cupcakes. This place has certainly gotten publicity — it’s been on Cupcake Wars and elsewhere on the Food Network. So clearly, it’s worth trying out. I got two cupcakes: the mini vanilla chocolate chip cookie dough, and the chocolate cake with vanilla icing with chocolate covered crispies on top (Halloween themed crispies). The cupcakes are definitely on the smaller side, so they’re only $2.00 each, and absolutely worth it.
Atmosphere of the bakery/cupcakery – 1.8
The cupcakery itself is super cute. They have not only cupcakes there, but just about every little cupcake paraphernalia you can think of from aprons, oven mitts, and cupcake wrappers to bath bombs shaped like cupcakes (which look edible, but are clearly marked as not). There is a good amount of seating, all of which looks out on Robertson Boulevard (not exactly super scenic, but not too bad). The staff is super friendly, and really know their obscure cupcakes well. The inside is pink and light brown, with stripes and polka dots — manly men, beware when stepping inside. It’s an estrogen overload.
The only point that knocks this cupcakery down is that parking is a little hard to find if the area is crowded. Then again, go figure, it’s located in Los Angeles.
Moistness of the cupcake – 1.6
The cupackes score great in moisture. As is characteristic of all mini cupcakes, these were slightly less moist than I would make my own cupcakes at home, but they were still up to par. In the chocolate chip cookie dough cupcake, the dough really added to the moisture. In the chocolate and vanilla cupcake, the crispies were distracting (see below), so the benefit from the moisture of the cupcake was not fully experienced.
Frosting – 2
The vanilla chocolate chip cookie dough really is a vanilla cupcake with chocolate chip cookie dough on the top. For realsies. I guess it’s a good thing I’m not afraid of getting salmonella (I’m fine btw, salmonella free). So I guess it can’t really be classified as frosting, but the frosting substitute in this case was quite satisfactory. The actual vanilla cupcake was not as sweet as typical cupcakes, and I was not super satisfied with that, but I think this was intentional to accentuate the taste of the cookie dough.
In the chocolate vanilla with crispies, however, there was less satisfaction with the frosting. The frosting itself was fine, but whatever the chocolate covered crispies were… I was not a fan. They were unexpectedly crunchy, and quite loudly crunchy at that, which to me, kind of ruined the cupcake experience. I’m sure the frosting itself was fine, but I was immensely distracted by the crispies. Beware of the crispies.
Packaging – 1
They gave me little individual cupcake holders, which looked like a small cup upside down with a lid. It successfully secured the cupcake, and for the most part, the frosting was in tact after my drive home. Well to be realistic, I sat in traffic after purchasing my cupcakes, so the cupcakes did not make it ALL the way home. But the distance for which they were in the car, the cupcake holders certainly served their purpose and fit nicely into my cup holders which I did really appreciate. The last thing I need is rogue cupcakes flying all over my car.
Feeling After Eating the Cupcake – 2
Mini cupcakes, as I have said many times, are certainly the way to go. Great feeling after eating, though the vanilla cupcake left something to be desired due to the lack of sweetness. After the chocolate with vanilla and crispies cupckes, I just had crispies in my teeth. Ugh. Crispies.
Average Score: 1.68
Sweet E’s Bakery
1417 South Robertson Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Cupcakes: $2.00
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