News outlets from social media networks to cable TV, portray the information that people of the United States do not get to see, and at times information that seems to be disregarded. Queen & Slim, a film that was recently released, addresses a controversial topic when discussed in the media, leads to differing opinions. This film addresses the harsh reality of police brutality in the United States, and shows the audience the unfair treatment people in the United States face based on their race.
The film begins with a first date, where Slim takes Queen on a date to a dinner, and ends with a white police officer getting shot. Slim is an African-American male, who comes of as an average working citizen that is very respectable and kind at first glance. Queen is an African-American female and attorney, that portrays this bold independent woman who is hard to please. The story goes on to show Slim getting pulled over by a white police officer, and immediately he begins to be mistreated. Slim gets asked to open his trunk, without probable cause being present or even a warrant, and Queen steps in to defend his right. This leads with Slim on the ground with a gun pointed at his head, and Queen asking the police officer for his badge number and making it clear that she is reaching for her phone to record this mistreatment. The police officer shoots Queen and starts to fight with Slim, and in a moment of self- defense Slim pulls the trigger on the police officer.
Due to the killing happening in Ohio, a state where the death penalty is still legal, Queen & Slim go on the run. Seeing the two being scared for their lives, when all they did was protect themselves from being unjustly killed, portrays the current fear that some people face in the United States. This film shows protests taking place to fight for Queen & Slim’s rights, shows the way people come together to protect them, and shows the consequences of their actions. Until the very end, viewers were left feeling mad and upset about what was happening, and portrayed just how unfairly African Americans are treated by the police.
Police brutality is a controversial topic that is discussed in society today, and at times is ignored and disregarded as a difference of opinions. Slim does kill a police officer, but the actions that take place beforehand, prompt for this to be the only way to avoid death. This movie makes it clear the mistreatment African-Americans in society today, and just how omnipresent of an issue it is. News outlets spend time covering these acts after they take place, but no effort is taken to prevent it ahead of time. People do not realize how detrimental the effects of police brutality can have on a person, and the way it ruins lives.
Queen & Slim, takes this daily struggle in society and emphasizes it in the theatres, in an effort to prosper change. It’s a movie that addresses such a dark topic, and shows a clear message on how an unjust action like doing a search without probable cause, can lead to undesirable consequences. A call for action is raised, and leads there to be a reevaluation on the way civilians are being treated by the police. It’s not just a film for enjoyment, but truly produced to cause attention to such an important issue, and the importance of addressing this matter of police brutality in the United States to prevent this from happening in the future.
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