Christopher Nolan is, one could say, a very accomplished director. He’s got a tough, gritty view of the world, but he’s also capable of illuminating the beautiful parts of even the grimiest of future?visions. His more recent works also have a savvy technological bent: the tech in the Batman films and “Inception” is incredible, but it’s used for decidedly ground-floor-level conflicts, the problems of humanity on Earth, humanity now.
What he’s trying to do with his upcoming film, “Interstellar,” is decidedly different:
(Yes, it’s a measly teaser, but c’mon, it feels amazing.)
For starters: Matthew McConaughey is anchoring a Chris Nolan film?! How far the man has come. But in all seriousness, “Interstellar” means a lot to anyone who’s ever considered the notions of infinity and space/time tangling and those things that reach so far beyond humanity that perhaps even the constructs themselves, in their true forms (to borrow from Plato here), cannot be Knowed by us. Yes, the film will no doubt be centered upon the human drama caused by said ineffable entities/theories, but at the same time, there’s a real chance that Nolan will attempt to explain and pry and twist the theoretical underpinnings of, well, everything, into not just a human exploration, but a humanity exploration.
“So like, why does that matter?” True, “Interstellar” will be far from the first film to tackle these things, but this is a BFD of a film because of the visibility and starpower of all those involved (just take a gander at the cast… seriously). Additionally, look at what “Inception” did — the concepts it introduced to the general public have become standard pop culture parlance, and opened dream discussion beyond the realm of psychics.
TL;DR Here’s to mind warps, time travel beyond just one recursive loop (coughLoopercough), and existential crises! It’d be a helluva way to end the still nascent year.
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