Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a famous American TV show that aired from 1997 to 2003 for seven seasons. The show follows the main character Buffy Summers, a high school student who is also a chosen vampire slayer. She has been given the power and responsibility to fight against vampires, demons, and other supernatural beings that threaten the world. Buffy and her friends navigate the dangers of Sunnydale, a town on top of a Hellmouth, which makes it a hotbed for supernatural activity. Throughout her journey, Buffy faces many personal challenges and moral dilemmas, as she tries to balance her duties as a slayer, and her life as an everyday teenager. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a cult classic with its mix of action, horror, and drama, and the way their stories can parallel those of real life.
In Season 3 Episode 8 titled, “Lovers Walk,” we follow multiple characters who experience breakdowns because of love loss. Willow and Xander, two of Buffy’s closest friends, have been secretly having an affair behind their partner’s backs. After they all, receive their SAT scores, the idea of a double date, Willow and her boyfriend Oz, with Xander and his girlfriend Cordelia, gets thrown out, and everyone agrees. Willow starts to have second thoughts about the double date because of her secret relationship with Xander, and the guilt of cheating on Oz is starting to affect her. She decides she wants to cast a “de-lusting” spell, which will help her and Xander resist each other.
Spike, one of the vampires, is back in town after his girlfriend, Drusilla, breaks up and leaves him for another man. As a way to get revenge, he kidnaps Willow and Xander, wanting to force Willow to cast a spell to help him. Oz and Cordelia are searching for Willow and Xander once they realize they’ve been kidnapped, and Buffy and Angel are helping Spike look for the last ingredient Willow will need for the spell, in exchange for Willow and Xander back. Willow and Xander are locked away in a warehouse and once they realize their chances of escaping are low, they start to make out and don’t notice Oz and Cordelia walking in, and seeing the entire thing. Cordelia runs away and falls through the stairs, leading to her falling directly onto a pipe. Spike feels reinspired after fighting off other vampires with Buffy and Angel and decides to leave town to win Drusilla back. He tells Buffy that her friends are in the factory and leaves.
In both relationships, there’s betrayal through cheating. Willow and Xander are cheating on Oz and Cordelia and Spike is cheated on by Druscilla. The show explores the lengths people are willing to go to hide their infidelity or win back the people who hurt them. Instead of breaking up with Oz, or stopping her relationship with Xander, Willow turns to magic to solve her problem and hide the truth. Instead of breaking up with Cordelia, Xander thinks he can have the best of both worlds, a relationship with Cordelia and Willow, and continuing the secret. Spike is a mess after Druscilla leaves him and is willing to use magic to get her back, but finds that magic won’t help. In the end, everyone has to mourn the relationships they lost and the ways that love didn’t go the way the planned.
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