Soul is a 2020 Pixar animated film that was directed by Pete Docter and Written by Pete Docter, Mike Jonas, and Kemp Powers. It follows Joe, a middle school band teacher, who dies suddenly, and doesn’t feel like he’s ready for his time to be up. He dies right before he’s able to perform at his dream gig. He had been doing on and off side gigs, but was never able to land his big … [Read more...] about Soul: The Meaning of Life
Archives for 2022
“Voter Suppression Anywhere Hurts Our Democracy Everywhere”: Fighting Voter Suppression in the United States
Generational subjugation… Denial of rights… Legalized oppression… These are all struggles that blacks in America have faced from as far back as the 17th century, beginning with the Jamestown Africans who were brought to America in 1619 as chattel slaves. The white majority who regarded themselves as superior have constantly been fixated on retaining power solely unto … [Read more...] about “Voter Suppression Anywhere Hurts Our Democracy Everywhere”: Fighting Voter Suppression in the United States
When pondering the mind, consciousness is a difficult problem to fully understand. Consciousness is defined as the quality or state of being aware, especially of something within oneself ( If a person, or organism, has a conscious experience, it means there is something it is like to be that kind of person or organism. To perceive your own … [Read more...] about Consciousness
Gradients and Potential Flow Part 2: Streamlines, Harmonics, and Analytic Functions
Last time, we learned that if we have a scalar function φ(x,y) that satisfies Laplace’s equation (∆φ = ∇ • ∇φ = 0), then its gradient can define the velocity field of a well-behaved fluid that is irrotational and has no sources or sinks. Today we will try to find equations for the streamlines that particles have as they move through the fluid flow defined by ∇φ. Here, we can … [Read more...] about Gradients and Potential Flow Part 2: Streamlines, Harmonics, and Analytic Functions
A Review of Future Rites
Future Rites is an immersive Virtual Reality experience in which the user is able to take part in a reimagined version of the ballet The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinksy. It is being spearheaded by the Alexander Whitley Dance Company from the UK. They’re known in the dance industry for their integration of technology into performance. Future Rites aims to offer audiences a … [Read more...] about A Review of Future Rites