Gin and tonic, as well as the secret ingredient within, have a rich and layered history that follows the history of European colonialism. This story begins with quinine, a bitter tree bark used by natives of modern-day Peru for centuries in traditional healing. It follows the Spanish conquistadors that observed this and the English who used quinine to protect their colonial … [Read more...] about Gin and Tonic: Weapon of Colonialism
Archives for April 2019
The Wade’s World Foundation
Dwyane Wade is wrapping up an illustrious 16-year career in the NBA, 15 which were spent with the Miami Heat. He is among the most respected players in the league and has many memorable moments that Heat fans will remember for the rest of their lives. A three-time champion with the Heat, Wade, somehow, has gone underappreciated. Underappreciated differs from underrated … [Read more...] about The Wade’s World Foundation
Universities’ Problem with “Asianness”
One of my earliest memories is from when I was four years old, when my mom asked me if I wanted to play piano. All her friends were signing up their kids for either violin or piano lessons, and it seemed like it would be a good idea for me to do it as well. I said yes. Asian “tiger” parents forcing their kids to play an instrument is a well-known stereotype, … [Read more...] about Universities’ Problem with “Asianness”