One glance out the window while flying over the Nambian desert and you might think that you are witnessing some grand optical illusion. This is because interspersed across this 1100 mile stretch of desert land are small circular patches of barren land, a phenomenon akin perhaps to Mother Nature’s take on the polka dots. These barren patches of land, dubbed “Fairy Circles” for … [Read more...] about Unweaving Africa: Namibia’s “Fairy Circles”
Archives for 2015
How Do You Feel about Movie Edition Book Covers?
Opinions about film adaptations of books vary. While some like to watch the pages of their favorite book come to life, others prefer they didn’t. This dichotomy is familiar to most of us. How people feel about the movie editions of books, however, can have the same sentiments. Whenever my sister and I walk into a bookstore, we notice the front and center placement of books … [Read more...] about How Do You Feel about Movie Edition Book Covers?
Benjamin Franklin: In Memoriam of History
If you would not be forgotten As soon as you are dead and rotten Either write things worth reading Or do things worth the writing - Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin best deserves the epithet “jack of all trades” or at least all the important ones. Franklin helped establish our very own postal service, the first hospital, and the first … [Read more...] about Benjamin Franklin: In Memoriam of History
Music and its Mathematical Principles Applied to the Cosmos in Ancient Greece
Music today is largely appreciated as a creative art. Even when studied at academic institutions, music is mainly studied as an art form. In ancient Greece, however, the nature of music was interpreted as an art of numbers and proportions and not just solely considered an art of human creation. The ancient Greeks interpreted music as a numerically based explanation of the … [Read more...] about Music and its Mathematical Principles Applied to the Cosmos in Ancient Greece
Unweaving Africa: Meet Wale Williams, Nigeria’s Very Own Superhero
“Look! Up in the sky. It’s a bird… It’s a plane … It’s Wale Williams?” When we think of superheroes, iconic characters like Superman, Wonder Woman and Captain America often come to mind. Over the past few decades the world of comic books, specifically that of the superhero fantasy, has evolved from a niche pastime into a popular genre of mainstream interest. It is no wonder … [Read more...] about Unweaving Africa: Meet Wale Williams, Nigeria’s Very Own Superhero