The news is in! As you’ve probably heard Rini Sampath and Jordan Fowler have won the USG presidential election 2015. This is an incredibly exciting time for the USC community; it has been 10 years since a female president was elected to govern the USC student body. The Huffington Post College section stated this interesting statistic in regards to the … [Read more...] about Madame President
Archives for 2015
Psychological Phenomena: Somatic Markers and How They Could Save Your Life
The following narrative demonstrates the ability for the mind to store connections, or somatic markers, and its capacity to save an individual’s life. Somatic markers are fundamentally the connections between stimuli that are associated with an emotional and physiological affective state. In other words, the mind is instinctually exposed to a certain emotion when … [Read more...] about Psychological Phenomena: Somatic Markers and How They Could Save Your Life
Trust Me, I’m Premed: Healthcare for the Homeless
It is no great mystery that Los Angeles contains an immense homeless population. On the relatively short drive from the University of Southern California’s campus to downtown Los Angeles, one can spot the tents and shopping carts that mark sections of sidewalk homeless individuals have claimed as theirs. As people walk or drive through Los Angeles and observe the … [Read more...] about Trust Me, I’m Premed: Healthcare for the Homeless
Something Old, Something New: Spin-offs and Sequels
With the premier of Better Call Saul earlier this week, I started to think about spin-offs and sequels. Whether or not they can be considered “original” could turn some people off. Some also think there is a fine line between “selling out” and providing viewers what they want. (The audience does matter, after all.) These shouldn’t be issues, however, because spin-offs are more … [Read more...] about Something Old, Something New: Spin-offs and Sequels
Modern Revenge
The issue of “revenge porn” has been around since the dawn of the Internet and the ability to send images over the web or on a cellular device. In fact, “revenge porn” has been around long before it was even acknowledged with a name. Students across America are using laptops at younger ages in the classroom and are receiving cellphones at younger ages as well. These … [Read more...] about Modern Revenge