In my recent discussion of the several ways of reappropriating public space in cities (see: The Amazing Urban Race), it seems too apt that a recent winner of an international design competition has been recognized for such efforts in improving the lives and community of people in London. Levitt Bernstein was recently declared the winner of the international HOME competition … [Read more...] about Urban Inventions: Pop-Up HAWSE
Archives for 2012
The Nature of God Revealed
Yahweh is usually depicted in the Bible as a God of love and justice, yet on a number of occasions he stands aside and watches his most faithful servants face adversity completely alone and without any divine protection . Do such actions make logical sense? Not in the least bit. However, one might reasonably query: should mere human beings insist that an omnipotent, omniscient … [Read more...] about The Nature of God Revealed
Urban Inventions: Ready, Set, Play
Imagine swinging while waiting for your stop on the subway, slam dunking your trash on the street corner, or sliding to catch your train with your briefcase. More and more people and even government organizations are working to infuse more play into city landscapes. For both children and adults, turning cities into unique playgrounds appeals to the kid in all of … [Read more...] about Urban Inventions: Ready, Set, Play
Urban Inventions: The Amazing Urban Race
What could you do with 72 hours? 72 Hour Urban Action aims to push the boundaries of collaboration, innovation, and solution by holding a three-day long architecture competition aimed at solving issues of public space. While most urban development projects are extremely time-consuming and complex, 72HUA encourages citizens to solve problems quickly and creatively. The … [Read more...] about Urban Inventions: The Amazing Urban Race
Learning 3d: Mocked-Up
First few shots have been animated! Hold on to your socks. Video: "The Trees"- Semi Mock Up from Nicolas Kendall-Bar on Vimeo. Yes, there are floating orbs standing in for leaves blowing in the wind, there is no background yet, and there are still mostly thumbnails that do not move. Also you may have to make the sound effects for yourself. Still, another few steps … [Read more...] about Learning 3d: Mocked-Up