By Parini Shroff Ms. Priya Kapoor and Mr. Kevin Slater Request the pleasure of your company At their marriage At 4:00pm On Saturday, October 16, 2004 At St. Georgia's Church, Aurum Naina Mathur closed the invitation with a frown. The card was not a surprise; she had known all through the fittings for the bridesmaids' dresses — the hideous ones with far too much … [Read more...] about Chocolate Heroes
Archives for 2008
Sleeping Bag Sutras
By Andy Kimmelman Prologue. Somewhere (anywhere) In that selfsame place Exactitude disappears. A gray brown grain among Silver tan sand. I. The fire won't start. Sizzling, steaming wood denies us any right to ignite its hardy fibers swollen with combustible carbon, trapped in musty damp, deposited there by misty beach breezes. Our humble host, Old Ben, will soon … [Read more...] about Sleeping Bag Sutras
Flying Scared on 9/11
By Robert Zywiec The same thing happens every time I fly. I fall asleep before take-off, wake up once the plane reaches cruising altitude, and fall back asleep before landing. If my flight takes off at midnight, this happens. When my departure time is 6 AM, this happens. When I am on an afternoon flight, this happens. When I was flying on September 11th, 2001, this happened. … [Read more...] about Flying Scared on 9/11
Issues with an AK-47
By Adeeb Khan It's funny how one's mind can pause and focus on something simplistic at a time of chaos. It happens everyday — to a young man who finds himself in love for the first time and can only hear the song of the birds, to the mother who stares blankly at the cracks in the linoleum of the hospital floor as the doctor dares to speak the ill-fate of her son. My moment … [Read more...] about Issues with an AK-47
By David Radcliff My friends in college - and by these I mean, the people who seemed to be near me whenever anything noteworthy happened - all of them drank, and heavily. I didn't. Not because I didn't want to, really, but because I was convinced drinking was too common, too expected and, most importantly, that it would shatter the enigmatic, unflappable persona I wanted so … [Read more...] about Nub