I looked under the sink, a Winchell’s mug; above the dryer on the shelves with exiled scraps; below a pack of dehydrated Sharpies, to the right of poor Elmer, also parched. I might’ve left it there when I was five…or six? I must’ve lost it but don’t you think by 19 I would have found it if it was ever somewhere at all? Not found in the kitchen, the search continued … [Read more...] about Old Bodies Leave Indentations on the Clouds
Archives for 2008
Michael Kroesche There are purple moths and Abel collects them, he's half naked in torn shorts like an old boat sail, brown toes among the baobab roots yellow nails. Under a veil of vines in the grass, flattened, is a clearing where he keeps them; bodies like lint stones, the dead wings, dried violets. He pulls pomegranates from … [Read more...] about Collection
Pre-Implantation Diagnosis: An Inevitable Quest for Human Perfection?
by Siavoche Siassi With the rapid progress of modern-day medicine, one would be hard-pressed to find a scientific advent that has not brought with it a number of far-reaching implications for society as a whole. Recent developments in the human genome project have yielded a number of scientific procedures which only half a century ago would have been considered outlandish. A … [Read more...] about Pre-Implantation Diagnosis: An Inevitable Quest for Human Perfection?