By Madeline Reddington
The fondant….may have been a sliiiight failure for the first time. Basically, I thought I was going to make the awesomest cake ever, but I really may have bitten off more than I could chew. I decided it was a great idea to set out to make a cake in a shape I never have before (a car), with a type of frosting I’ve never used (fondant) and also add windows made of Jello, which I’ve also never used on a cake.
And, clever me, I made the whole thing lemon flavored. (Get it, lemon car??). Well….I thought that was going to be ironic because it was a lemon car but it was actually an awesome cake…but actually the cake was kind of a lemon too…all kinds of malfunctioning of it’s little lemon-y carburetor and other…fondant-y car parts. Well, without further agonizing, I give you the … *sniffle* the car cake *sob*
Next time, we’re going for something a bit simpler. But I’ll just make it a surprise :).
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