Kiki’s Delivery Services is a 1989 Japanese animated film that was directed by Hayao Miyazaki, who also created the screenplay, based on the book Kiki’s Delivery Service by Eiki Kadono. The film follows a young witch named Kiki, who moves to a seaside town, as a part of her village's tradition for young witches in training. She has to stay there for a year and learn about … [Read more...] about Kiki’s Delivery Service: Emerging into Adulthood
Archives for 2022
The Death Enigma Prompted by Morbid Curiosity
“Don’t look.” Look. Slowing down, I peer across two lanes, scanning the scene. A man lies still, face down on the cement with a marine corps baseball cap sitting next to him. Behind him is the wreck. Though told not to look, I have to. What was once a pickup truck is merely a hunk of metal, shaped and bent like an abstract piece of art. I can’t help but stare. The thrill … [Read more...] about The Death Enigma Prompted by Morbid Curiosity
Innate Moral Core: Part 1 (Introduction to Innate Concepts)
Morality (the sense of whether an action or person is “right” or “wrong”) is considered a defining feature of humanity. The typical conception of morality in children is that they are born amoral (without moral sense) or immoral (a moral sense different from adults). Developmental psychology theorizes that children acquire a moral sense through various developmental processes … [Read more...] about Innate Moral Core: Part 1 (Introduction to Innate Concepts)
The Fourier Transform and the Heat Equation
Welcome back. In this week’s blog, we will explore the Fourier transform, which is a valuable tool across engineering disciplines. Like most tools, its primary power is to make complicated problems simpler. To demonstrate this, we will first define the Fourier transform and establish some of its most important properties. We will then apply it to solve the one-dimensional heat … [Read more...] about The Fourier Transform and the Heat Equation
Continuation of Olfactory VR: A Historical Perspective
There are several main areas that scent-focused XR is tasked with addressing, the first of which being position tracking. In order to trigger appropriate smells at times that correspond with the storytelling in a virtual experience, it is important that the system is able to track where a user is in this digital environment, so that as they come upon scent-triggering elements, … [Read more...] about Continuation of Olfactory VR: A Historical Perspective