Despite continuing advances in health care, diabetes affects more people each year. According to the American Diabetes Association, the number of Americans with diabetes increased by 3.3 million over two years. This was also an increase from 8.3% of the population to 9.3%. There is no cure for diabetes, which may in part account for the continually increasing number … [Read more...] about Trust Me, I’m Premed: Diabetes – Facts and Details
Archives for 2014
The Evolution of Entertainment: “Frankenstein” – Realism versus Extremism in Horror
This week, movie theaters across the country have been screening the National Theatre Live's "Frankenstein" starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Johhny Lee Miller. I heard about this event through one of my theater teachers and was surprised that it was not more heavily advertised. "Frankenstein" is a classic story to be told around Halloween, and so these film screenings were … [Read more...] about The Evolution of Entertainment: “Frankenstein” – Realism versus Extremism in Horror
A-broadening Your Horizons: A Little History of Study Abroad
The first man to ever study abroad (as far as we can know these sorts of things) was Emo of Friesland, who was from northern Holland and studied at Oxford University in 1190. Many other Europeans went on to study abroad throughout the next centuries, most likely all of which were members of the royal elites from rich countries since very few people could afford such a … [Read more...] about A-broadening Your Horizons: A Little History of Study Abroad
What’s in a name? That which we call feminism by any other name…
fem·i·nism noun 1.the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. I have openly supported feminism since I was in elementary school fighting for the right for girls to use the monkey bars on the playground when the boys tried to keep them for themselves. As I grew up and became more grounded in my beliefs of … [Read more...] about What’s in a name? That which we call feminism by any other name…
Trust Me, I’m Premed: Physician Assisted Euthanasia
Profits, policies, and laws often displace focus from the most important aspect in the increasingly complicated world of medicine: the patient. Ultimately, patients must have the freedom to choose the care they receive or do not receive. Physician assisted euthanasia is an ethically controversial issue, but one that must be addressed. Legalizing physician assisted … [Read more...] about Trust Me, I’m Premed: Physician Assisted Euthanasia